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Jill McCarty

As I'm sure most of you are doing today, I have spent the last few hours of the year reflecting on what this year meant to me, my company and to those whom I love the most. Not too shabby, really. It seems as though we were just celebrating the arrival of 2018, and now here we are waiting to ring in 2019. My how time flies when you're having fun. And, oh what fun we had this year.

In reflection of this year, I clearly see that I am blessed beyond measure. I know first hand hard work pays off. I learned that focusing on the things that mean the most, will help clear your path to what is most important. Focusing on what is most important, will help you set your goals to personal and professional success. By truly focusing on your goals, you will always set yourself up for the win. - After reading a very interesting article on the failures of NY resolutions, I decided not to set them for myself ever again. I mean, who wants to set yourself up for failure? Instead, I picked one word to concentrate on throughout the year, and what a difference it made. One little word: FOCUS. As I began to barrel through the year, I kept that word front and center. I referred to it often. It was on my daily planner. It was on my computer. It was in my car, on the bathroom mirror. It was in my face always. FOCUS. A constant reminder to slow down and remember what is important, where I want to end up, who I want to be, and what is most important. I found this to be a very strategic way to move through the year. When amazing things happened, I was reminded to focus on the good, the beauty of the experience, praise myself and be accepting of the praise. When I tripped and stumped my toe, I remembered to feel the disappointment, learn from it, make a new plan, and move on. FOCUS helped me see! And, there was a lot to see in 2018! - My mother survived a triple bypass surgery, and I thank God for his grace in that every day. My parents celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. WOW! My wonderful husband and I celebrated our 21st wedding anniversary. My assistant and her husband celebrated their 1st wedding anniversary. Many Couture brides celebrated their weddings, and we got to be a major part of them all. A beautiful baby boy was born in to our family on March 1st. We had renovations done on our home. (whoo, finally!) My husband bought too many vintage cars. haha! I started an amazing new wedding organization with two even more amazing ladies. I lost 30 pounds then slowly gained 20 back (Story of my life. It's a new year, though, and, I believe in myself) I didn't blog nearly the amount I wanted to throughout the year. I reconnected with some of my best friends from college this summer. My assistant accepted a full-time position at an insurance company and now only works with me part-time. (Sad for me. Happy for her.) I hired a new awesome "full-time" assistant that I am super excited to introduce to you very soon. (Look for a new blog post coming in the very near future!) I didn't sleep enough. (I never do) I vacationed in the Dominican Republic this summer. I began scratching lottery tickets after watching too many episodes of "My Lottery Dream Home," but still haven't won a million dollars. YET! Through the entire month of December I fought a viral respiratory infection that set me way back from where I wanted to start the new year. I lost two friends in the span of one month and both right before a major holiday. I made some really great friends. I joined too many Facebook groups that drive me insane with the amount of notifications I get, but I can't seem to get my nose out of what is happening to other women entrepreneurs and small businesses. I improved my business leaps and bounds over the year before. And, most importantly, I loved and was loved in return.

This year, I will continue what I have learned about FOCUS, but I'm changing my one word to BELIEVE. We see this word so much through the holidays, and we all know the phrases... "Believe it and you can achieve it." "If you believe, you will receive." "She believed she could, so she did." I love them all. Don't we all need a little more belief? Belief in the goodness of others. Belief in ourselves. Belief in our dreams. Belief in the pureness of the love at a wedding. One of my favorite scriptures is Mark 9:24 "I do believe; help my unbelief." This year I will work on the unbelief. This is the year for me to fully BELIEVE.

What about you? Do you have one word for your new year? If you do not, I challenge you to evaluate what direction you would like your life and/or business to go. What word best describes the path you wish to take? Make that your word. Your one word. May the new year find you all on the best journey of your life. May you find success and love around every corner. May you celebrate it all!

Happy New Year!

All my love,


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